Isn't it crazy how big of hypocrites we are?
I mean seriously, we talk about loving everyone at whatever point they're at. But a lot of the times all we do is hate others without knowing them at all. We just sit and judge others without knowing a single thing about them.
I know I do this everyday. I'm a jerk, I'll admit it. There are some people I just cannot stand, so I just won't love them. I'll pretty much say "Screw it. They're too [insert adjective here] and I can't deal with it." But I'm trying my hardest to stop because I'm just as difficult to deal with as the people I dislike, and I still have friends who stick by me, I should be like them.
My issue is. . . I have friends who constantly put me down for the friends I have and where I hang out at while at school. I get that it might be a joke to them. But after an entire quarter, it's not really a joke to me anymore. It's pretty hurtful to know that my choice in friends is disapproved by my other friends.
I considered just dumping these friends because of someone's opinion of them. Because they think we're weird. [Yup I said we, because I am a part of that group.] But guess what? I'm not going to.
Weird is cool. We're all diverse. We're fun. We're all there for each other.
And about that last sentence. It is so true! I saw evidence of it just today. I came to school after a horrible night, obviously looked upset, and everyone cared and took time to give me hugs and to make sure I'm okay. That's friendship right there.