Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Baby Bird

My life is just falling right into place, isn't it?
Everything is going.. What seems to be perfect. A humanly perfection, at least.

I got accepted into my dream school. And trust me, everyone knows. Cheney and I spammed everyone's newsfeeds with our happiness of getting in. I've had three other friends tag me in their posts saying their proud of me and whatnot. My mom went and texted all of her friends. Everyone is so happy that Michaela is going to a university instead of sitting around next fall.

About a month ago, when deciding on schools, I narrowed my choices down to two. Pacific Lutheran University and Portland State University. One is close to home, where I can also stay extremely connected to my home church. One is a bit farther away.

The way I saw it was: If God allows me to go to PLU, it means I'm ready to stand on my own two feet spiritually. He knows I'm ready to grow without the constant support of a huge church helping guide my every step and giving me the tracks. And that is what's happening! 

I'm a baby bird ready to fly.

I am not going to be one of those Christians who relies solely on her church to help her grow. Counts on the church events to revamp that spirit. Only serves when the church provides means to.

I'm ready to trust in God.

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